HSNZProtect provides:
Property Risk Assessment
Onsite inspection of the property to determine hazards present. Risk assessment completed and recommended controls for each hazard detailed via the HSNZProtect Risk Portal.
HSNZProtect Risk Portal - web based interactive management system
An online hazard management database system personalised for you and the areas that you control. Leverage the power of the Portal’s database – up to the minute management oversight, due diligence reporting, etc.
H&S Audits
External audit consultancy service.
Health & Safety Management System
A Practical H&S system for your company to meet the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. Ongoing support from our team to assist and encourage your continued H&S development.
Safety Projects
Tailored safety solutions for your project.
Contractor Prequalification
Audit check of your contractor’s H&S systems to ensure that they meet your minimum requirements.