Overdue Items
This is an indication that the identified hazard item is overdue for action.
From the inspection date, we set a notional time limit for the completion of each hazard based on the identified Risk Rating.
H = High Risk 3 months
M = Medium Risk 6 months
L = Low Risk 9 months
If items remain uncompleted outside these dates, they will be flagged as ‘overdue’ to highlight them.
Risk Rating
A Hazard Risk Assessment Rating has then been included for each item based solely on the likely “severity of harm” should an incident occur.
H = High Risk: Disability or death. Action required immediately
M = Medium Risk: Major lacerations, broken bones, illness and major damage to property or equipment
L = Low Risk: Low level of injury / illness or minor damage to property
N/A = A Risk Rating is Not Applicable
There are three status settings:
Not Completed
In the Status column in the Hazard List, this will be shown for each Hazard along with Overdue, if applicable.